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Early Childhood Frequently Asked Questions

Below are frequently asked questions parents have as they prepare their child to attend the Flour Bluff Early Childhood Center:

What are the age requirements for students to attend the Early Childhood Center (ECC)?

Age Requirements:
Pre-Kindergarten: Age of 4 years by September 1, 2020 (or the current school year)
Kindergarten: Age of 5 years by September 1, 2020 (or the current school year)


Can all 4-year-old children attend Pre-K?

Prekindergarten Eligibility Criteria – Texas Enrollment requirements:

  • Unable to speak or comprehend the English language; OR
  • Educationally Disadvantage (eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program – based on income) – (MUST provide income eligibility documents such as paycheck stubs, unemployment documentation, SNAP Benefits, IRS forms, etc.); OR
  • Homeless; OR
  •  (1) is the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the U.S., or (2) is the child of a member of the armed forces of the U.S. who was injured or killed while serving on active duty; OR
  • Has ever been in the conservatorship of the Texas DFPS (foster care); OR
  • Is the child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award as: a peace officer, firefighter or emergency medical first-responder.

* In order to qualify for a Prekindergarten program, you MUST meet at least one of the above eligibility criteria*


What documents do I need when I register my child for Pre-K or Kindergarten?

 All Pre-K eligibility documentation must be brought in person by a parent or legal guardian.  Registration will not be approved without this documentation.

Required Documents:

  • Original Birth certificate
  • Report card (from previous school, if applicable)
  • Current immunization records
  • Student’s social security card
  • Photo ID of parent or guardian (current driver’s license or another form of photo identification such as current work, government, state or college ID)
  • Proof of residency or ‘Approved’ Transfer application*

*applications located on the district website or email

Usual accepted proof of residency may be one or more of the following:

  • Current utility bill dated June 2020 or later indicating the service address and the parent/guardian’s name.
  • Current notarized and signed rental/lease agreement and the parent/guardian’s name.
  • Current tax receipt indicating home ownership and current residency in the district and the parent/guardian’s name.
  • Letter from a governmental agency with your current address and the parent/guardian’s name.
  • Current contract on a house (provided the loan has been approved and signed by both buyer and seller).

Immunizations Must be Complete to Register – Check with your child’s doctor now to make sure you have the most up-to-date records.


Am I required to send my 4-year-old or 5-year-old to school?

Pre-K and Kindergarten are not mandatory grade levels in Texas. It is highly recommended a child attends kindergarten in order to properly prepare for first grade which is required for students who are the age of 6 years by September 1st of the current school year.

However, once a student is enrolled in prekindergarten or kindergarten, State Law requires that the student MUST be in attendance at least 90% of the required number of days that school is in session. Truancy is enforced.


What time is school for Pre-K and Kindergarten?

Prekindergarten is a half-day program: The morning session is from 7:40am – 10:50am and the afternoon session is from 11:23am – 3:03pm. (Transportation is NOT provided for pre-k students at 10:50am dismissal – students MUST be picked up from school.  Transportation is NOT provided for pre-k students for the 11:23am start – students MUST be walked inside no earlier than 11:15am)

The Kindergarten School day is:  7:40 a.m. – 3:03 p.m.


What if my child takes or needs to take medication at school?

We have a Registered Nurse on campus. To ensure student safety, all medications (prescription & non-prescription) must be delivered to the school nurse by a parent/guardian.

The nurse will need to review all medication for the following:

  • Prescription meds must be in the original container and properly labeled with specific instructions for school.
  • Over-the-counter meds must be in their original packaging.

The nurse will discuss the medication with the parent/guardian. A medication release form that authorizes the med to be given at school must be filled out and signed by the parent/guardian.



Are there opportunities for me to volunteer at the ECC?

Yes, there are various opportunities for you to volunteer.

In order to volunteer in the classroom or on campus or help out on a field trip, you must complete a Criminal Background Check form. The results can take up to 3 days and MUST be submitted each school year. Teachers will have these forms available at the beginning of the year or at the Front Office.

The ECC has a WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program. This is a nationally known program and it was originally started to increase the male presence within a school. The ECC has had moms, grandmothers, grandfathers, fathers, uncles, and aunts who have been a part of this program.  It’s not only limited to dads at our school.


Visitors on Campus:

All visitors must sign-in with the building receptionist or secretary in the ECC office. Visitors are required to wear a visitor’s badge while on campus and return the badge before leaving the building. All parents/guardians must stop by the front office if they plan to pick-up a child early from school.


Can I eat lunch with my child at the ECC?
Parents/Guardians may eat lunch with their student on Tuesday & Thursdays.

Any adult wishing to eat lunch with a student MUST be listed on the emergency contact card. A meal can be purchased in the cafeteria at the adult meal rate or parents can bring their own meal. Parents may only provide lunch for their own child. Additional information about the breakfast and lunch programs may be found in the District’s Student/Parent Handbook or the district website.


What are the different ways the ECC will communicate with parents/guardians?

Teachers send home daily folders with information regarding student behavior, special events, flyers, calendars and curriculum. We also have a monthly newsletter that is sent electronically to parents or you can pick up a copy in the front office.

We have a campus webpage on with valuable information and teachers have a webpage as well on our district website. Click here for the listing of teacher webpages.

The campus principal will also conduct campus-wide call-outs to the primary phone number listed on the enrollment information.


Parent and Family Engagement:

We have a number of Family Nights throughout the school year so that our families have an opportunity to connect with the school and learn about the great things we are doing with students.  This is also a great opportunity for families to learn how they can support their child’s education at home.  We also have a Parent Teacher Organization – PTO.  This is another great opportunity to get involved with the school.

  • Meet the Teacher
  • Open House
  • Grandparents Breakfast
  • Pastries with Parents
  • Trunk or Treat
  • Holiday Programs
  • Classroom Programs
  • Family Reading Night
  • Family Math & Science Night
  • Family Picnic
  • Family Movie Night
  • Make & Take Sessions



  • District Security Guard on campus and/or District Police Department Officer on campus.
  • Visitors MUST sign-in at front desk and obtain visitor badge.
  • Visitors can ONLY enter the school at front entrance.
  • Outside entry doors are locked at all times.
  • Parents/guardians/others that pick-up children MUST provide photo ID before being allowed to remove a child from campus. The receptionist will call the classroom and ask the teacher to send that child to the office.
  • There is a bus aide on all buses for after school transportation. An authorized adult must be present to receive a student from the bus with a photo ID.
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